7 Ways To Prevent Senior Falls In The Home
For most people, a fall is not a big deal. It’s usually more embarrassing than anything. But for seniors, a fall can be traumatic, even deadly. Why is this? Senior bodies and bones are frail and prone to fractures and breaks. The National Hospital Discharge Survey reports that 90 percent of all hip fractures are caused by falling. Other injuries including broken arms, wrists, concussions and even brain injuries may be caused by a fall.
So how can we keep seniors free of falls instead of free falling? Here are 7 tips from an assisted living and memory care center.
1. Invite Honesty
Many seniors lie about falling down. In fact, the Center for Disease Control reports that 1 in 3 adults age 65+ fall at least once each year but only half speak to their healthcare provider about it. Before you can address falling hazards, you need your loved on to admit that there may be a risk. Look for unexplained brushing or abrasions and gently ask them how it happened. Be sure to approach them in calm manner in a safe place where they feel comfortable.
2. Keep Blood Pressure In Check
Low blood pressure is often a cause of falling or fainting. When someone has low blood pressure, standing up for a sitting position quickly can cause them to collapse. Identifying and regulate low or high blood pressure.
3. Master All Medications
Some medications, or even the combination of some medications, can cause dizziness. Take a look at every single pill, prescription and supplement your loved one is taking. Organize their regimen and make sure they are being taken in the correct dosage among in the proper time frame This will prevent unnecessary dizziness.
4. Encourage Exercise
Whether it’s yoga, walking, cycling or swimming — exercise has huge benefits for the elderly body. Regular exercise helps seniors maintain muscle tone which helps them stabilize their body when they start to lose their balance. Flexibility is also key to fall prevention. The more limber the body is the more control it has.
5. Keep Vision Sharp
Whether or not your loved one wears glasses, make sure they have their eyes checked once a year at their annual physical. It seems obvious, but many falls are caused by misjudging the distance or height of an object or furniture.
6. Get A Handle On Hazards
Evaluate your loved one’s home, from the front door to the basement, looking for fall hazards. These can include:
-Poor lighting
-Clutter (especially in hallways or high traffic areas)
-Loose cords
-Throw rugs
When possible, arrange the home so that your loved one does everything they need to on one main floor. Stairs are a huge opportunity for falling and a tumble from the top can have serious consequences. You can also move items out of the top cupboard cabinets for easier access. In the bathroom, add anti-slip mats or tiles and hand bars in the shower and near the toilet. keep lamp near bed,
7. Put Your Best Foot Forward
Not many octogenarians feel the need to rock stilettos around the house, but many wear ill-fitting slippers or wear worn out shoes that can cause them to fall. Properly-fitted, non-slip shoes are crucial to fall prevention.