
Activities To Improve Memory Care At Home


One of the most fascinating organs in the body is the brain. As the control center, it is in charge of making sure the rest of the systems run properly. Along with keeping everything moving, it is the epicenter of cognitive function, helping you to solve everything from how much a shirt costs with a 30% discount to storing the memory of where you set down your keys. With age, stress, or certain ailments you may find that recalling what you put on the mind’s back burner might not be as easy as before. If you find yourself in this situation, consider these at-home exercising to increase your neuron connections and improve memory.

Brain Games

You may feel like doing crossword puzzles and Sudoku are enough daily brain workout, but studies show improvement to brain function of games only applies to the task at hand. Keep the puzzles going if that’s your way of relaxing, but consider other activities to create new neural pathways. One idea is “neurobics.” The idea of neurobics is making small adjustments to everyday living such as using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, breaking routine of where you shop, or wearing your watch upside down.

Start an Exercise Routine

Why does memory retention often worsen with age? One possible reason is a shrinking hippocampus in late adulthood. Good news though- studies show exercising can increase the size of the hippocampus. Participants in the study increased hippocampal volume, reversing the shrinking effects of aging by one to two years. Another study found exercise in the form of walking increased brain connectivity which helps improve cognitive performance including memory.

Bonjour! Hola! Hello!

Want to slow cognitive aging? Learn a new language. Studies suggest that bilingualism slows cognitive aging and may even delay the onset of dementia. If you have no interest in learning a new language, consider learning a new skill. Try a craft, knitting, painting or even broaden your selection of book genres to read. All of these activities are connected with improved cognitive function and lower chance of mild cognitive impairment.

Engage in Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and concentration has been shown to improve working memory capacity. Many mindful practices include three aspects: body, mind, and breath. Find a comfortable, peaceful spot in your home to sit, soften your gaze or close your eyes, and begin to notice the rise and fall of your belly. You may notice the mind start to wander, gently bring it back to your space and breath. Practice daily, slowly increasing the amount of time you meditate.

Catch Some Z’s

After you’ve painted your masterpiece, practiced your new language and finished meditating for the day, catch some shut eye. Doing so can actually improve memory according to studies. While awake, the hippocampus records your experiences then during sleep the memories are transferred to the neocortex– a process vital in long-term memory retention.

Sweet dreams!

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