
What 30 and 40 Year Olds Can Do Now to Improve Their Memory Later

What 30 and 40 Year Olds Can Do Now to Improve Their Memory Later

What you do now can help you many years later. This is especially true about memory because it’s part of your brain, and it’s like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it will become. So, if you work on improving your memory now, you’ll be more likely to remember more when you’re older. The following are some of the best ways to improve your memory in your 30s and 40s.

Eat a Well Balanced Diet

Brain health starts with healthy foods. You should ensure you are eating plenty of berries, nuts, and fish, which have all been shown to improve brain functioning. Keep this up and you’ll start to not only remember more, but you may feel much more alert and active.

Exercise Your Body

A body is meant to be active. It’s important to exercise every day in some way. Thirty minutes is the minimum amount of time you should do something that gets your heart pumping. When you don’t exercise, your body and mind become sluggish, and that’s when memory problems can start.

Exercise Your Mind

Dr. Lawrence Katz first used the term neurobics in reference to brain exercises. Some of these exercises involve using your non-dominant hand, wearing a watch that’s upside down, and folding laundry with your eyes closed. You can learn more neurobics by reading Dr. Katz’s book, “Keep your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises to Help Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness.”

Read More Books

Reading was important when you were a child, and it’s important now into retirement. Reading has many benefits:

  • Increases intelligence
  • Improves memory
  • Reduces stress
  • ….and so much more

Be Creative

When you allow your brain to create something new, you unleash its full power. This strengthens your brain without you even realizing it. Hobbies such as painting, coloring, woodworking, knitting, etc. are great ways to use your creativity.

Learn a New Language or Skill

Your brain has to work very hard to learn a new language or skill. You will also be using your memory when you learn a language or skill to put them to use. That’s why it’s great to do either one of these.

Give Yourself a Break

Your brain needs rest after you work it so hard. Be sure to take a vacation, get enough sleep, and just sit still sometimes. This will help your brain catch up to everything you’ve been doing.

Get Started on Improving Your Memory

Now you know how to improve your memory in your 30s and 40s to help you keep it for your lifetime. Start exercising your brain today. You will be happy you did in 30 years.

For more information on how you can care for yourself now to have a happy, healthy retirement, browse our website.

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